Tamilnadu government recently introduced the Mega City Development Mission. It is improving infrastructure in the expanded Chennai Corporation over the next 5 years. In this project Rs, 7,678 crore will be spent.
The Chennai Corporation council recently passed a resolution accepting the detailed project report submitted by the civic body to the TNUIFSL (Tamil Nadu Urban Infrastructure Financial Services Limited) for the Mega City Development Mission. The report has been sent to the State government for administrative sanction.
The Tamilnadu State government had earlier announced the Mega City Development Mission to meet the needs of the Chennai Metropolitan Area, which is expected to have a population of more than 1 crore in the next ten years.
Chennai Corporation proposes to undertake improvement of basic amenities, particularly in areas that have been merged with it recently, at a cost of Rs. 220 crore. This would comprise improvement of solid waste management at a cost of Rs. 80crore, roads at Rs 89 crore, street lights at Rs. 50 crore. Besides, traffic police improvement measures worth Rs. 78 crore would be taken up, taking the total spending under the mission this fiscal to Rs 298 crore.
For upgrading arterial roads in the Chennai city with an estimate of Rs.5,555 crore over the next 5 years.
Total 30 arterial roads that would connect important parts of the expanded city would be improved this year (2011). Storm water drains, buildings, bridges and parks would also be developed under the Mega City Development Mission.
The Chennai Corporation council recently passed a resolution accepting the detailed project report submitted by the civic body to the TNUIFSL (Tamil Nadu Urban Infrastructure Financial Services Limited) for the Mega City Development Mission. The report has been sent to the State government for administrative sanction.
The Tamilnadu State government had earlier announced the Mega City Development Mission to meet the needs of the Chennai Metropolitan Area, which is expected to have a population of more than 1 crore in the next ten years.
Chennai Corporation proposes to undertake improvement of basic amenities, particularly in areas that have been merged with it recently, at a cost of Rs. 220 crore. This would comprise improvement of solid waste management at a cost of Rs. 80crore, roads at Rs 89 crore, street lights at Rs. 50 crore. Besides, traffic police improvement measures worth Rs. 78 crore would be taken up, taking the total spending under the mission this fiscal to Rs 298 crore.
For upgrading arterial roads in the Chennai city with an estimate of Rs.5,555 crore over the next 5 years.
Total 30 arterial roads that would connect important parts of the expanded city would be improved this year (2011). Storm water drains, buildings, bridges and parks would also be developed under the Mega City Development Mission.