The FMPs (Fixed maturity plans) have mobilised over Rs 90,000 crore from investors this calendar (2011) year and is on course to cross 2008’s record of Rs 1,00,000 crore. FMP's are the close-ended mutual fund schemes that invest in debt and money market instruments.
A high interest rate regime, lower risk & income tax benefits under volatile equity market conditions are the reasons for the rising popularity of FMPs.
More than 500 FMP schemes have been launched so far this year. Indexation is a key reason why FMP taxation rules offer tax benefits to investors.
Inflation-adjusted indexation benefits ensure that FMPs have better post-tax returns, compared with other fixed income investments such as bank FDs (Fixed Deposits)
A high interest rate regime, lower risk & income tax benefits under volatile equity market conditions are the reasons for the rising popularity of FMPs.
More than 500 FMP schemes have been launched so far this year. Indexation is a key reason why FMP taxation rules offer tax benefits to investors.
Inflation-adjusted indexation benefits ensure that FMPs have better post-tax returns, compared with other fixed income investments such as bank FDs (Fixed Deposits)